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This website has been set up to help in the understanding of Allegories, Parables and Types.
A systematic study of the Scriptures with a view of extracting TYPES and PARABLES yields wonderful benefits in matters of strengthening our faith and increasing our understanding of the Truth.
As we investigate the Word of God, it is crucial to recognize that types, parables, shadows or allegories are not restricted to Bible accounts that specifically identify them as such. The numerous examples expressly styled “types” or “parables”… etc. are intended to show us a sound pattern for “reasoning out of the Scriptures” (Acts 17:2). For example, we are told the Law was a “shadow” of greater things. Which aspects of the Law? All of them. Israel, we are told, is a “type” of believers. In what way? Every way. The actions of the prophets and apostles were to stand for “signs.” But which ones? All of them. It becomes our duty to study the scriptures with a view of discovering these glorious pearls.
Bro. Thomas explanation of Joseph again provides guidance: “The life of Joseph became a living parable by which was represented to Jacob and his sons, and to believers afterwards, what was to be transacted in the life of Christ. In itself the story of Joseph is an interesting and moving history; but when we read it as though we were reading of Christ instead of him, the narration assumes an importance which highly commends itself to the student of the Word”—Elpis Israel.
Though we are never specifically told in Scripture that the life of Joseph is an “allegory” or “parable” concerning the coming Messiah, the pattern of sound Bible reasoning demands it to be so, and the conclusions all too obvious.
Likewise, we are told: “without a parable spake he (Jesus) not unto them” (Mark 4:34). This was the Lord’s rule for teaching, yet many of the parables are not specifically called such in the Gospel accounts, though we know them to be so.
According to this principle, then, we may confidently course through the Word with the prayer of the psalmist on our lips: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” Psalm 119:18.
Taken from Booklet on Understanding Allegories with Bible Dictionary of Similitudes